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jsTree v.1.0
themes plugin
The themes
plugin controls the looks of jstree - without this plugin you will get a functional tree, but it will look just like an ordinary UL list.
The name of the theme to use to style the tree.
The location of the theme's CSS file, if set to false
jstree will look for the file in < theme folder >/themes/< theme name >/style.css
. You can set the theme folder using $.jstree._themes = "PATH/TO/FOLDER/";
, otherwise it is autodetected as <jquery.tree.js location>/themes/
Whether to show the connecting dots or not.
Whether to show the node icons or not.
Using the themes plugin
.set_theme ( name , url )
Set the tree's theme. Triggers an event.
nameThe name of the theme to use to style the tree.
urlThe location of the theme's CSS file, if omitted jstree will look for the file in:
< theme folder >/themes/< name >/style.css
You can set the theme folder using:$.jstree._themes = "PATH/TO/FOLDER/";
, otherwise it is autodetected as<jquery.tree.js location>/themes/
.get_theme ( )
Returns the name of the currently active theme.
.show_dots ( ), .hide_dots ( ), .toggle_dots ( )
Show, hide or toggle the visibility of the dots connecting the tree's nodes.
.show_icons ( ), .hide_icons ( ), .toggle_icons ( )
Show, hide or toggle the visibility of the icons next to the title of each the tree node.