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jsTree v.1.0

themes plugin


The themes plugin controls the looks of jstree - without this plugin you will get a functional tree, but it will look just like an ordinary UL list.



A string. Default is "default".

The name of the theme to use to style the tree.


A string (or false if not used). Default is false.

The location of the theme's CSS file, if set to false jstree will look for the file in < theme folder >/themes/< theme name >/style.css. You can set the theme folder using $.jstree._themes = "PATH/TO/FOLDER/";, otherwise it is autodetected as <jquery.tree.js location>/themes/.


A Boolean. Default is true.

Whether to show the connecting dots or not.


A Boolean. Default is true.

Whether to show the node icons or not.


Using the themes plugin


.set_theme ( name , url )

Set the tree's theme. Triggers an event.

  • string name

    The name of the theme to use to style the tree.

  • string url

    The location of the theme's CSS file, if omitted jstree will look for the file in:
    < theme folder >/themes/< name >/style.css.
    You can set the theme folder using:
    $.jstree._themes = "PATH/TO/FOLDER/";, otherwise it is autodetected as <jquery.tree.js location>/themes/.

.get_theme ( )

Returns the name of the currently active theme.


.show_dots ( ), .hide_dots ( ), .toggle_dots ( )

Show, hide or toggle the visibility of the dots connecting the tree's nodes.


.show_icons ( ), .hide_icons ( ), .toggle_icons ( )

Show, hide or toggle the visibility of the icons next to the title of each the tree node.